Cherry Seller..
It was a sunny day in Karachi with mercury around 40 Degree Celcius. Most have the privilege to sit in shadows of long towering buildings but not all, An old man has to sell cherries before the perishable fruit eventually meet its fate. A long walk of TAJ MOHAMMAD isn't very fruitful for his 65 years life. Each day has passes through same buildings and it seemed that both he and buildings have truly understood each other.
He lost his two children while young, one died of pneumonia, and next one had to go back to his creator bit early after few months of birth, to him the poor person is not who has lack of resources or money but who has lost his asset that's children. They both left him for never ending sorrow. He cleans a single tear from his left cheek, which explain the infinite pain of sad departure of his children.
I softly asked, "Who you live with?" My wife, he replied with the same weak voice. While asking this question one girl just passes by and asked for the price of the cherry box, he replies the box cost Rs. 300, I can easily see the shine in his eyes, a small hope comes in his mind that may be one of his box will be sell but soon the lady leaves without purchasing.
I asked about his life journey, he said "I was born in Karachi, and throughout my life I lived here, I wanted to become pilot when I was but didn't realize that my parents could not afford anything which will open the doors of oppurtunities in my life or can help in fulfilling my dreams, My father was a Lunda clothes seller and whatever he used to earn, it was spent to meet our survival."
He told me that his father couldn't even afford his school fee, the only education that he got in his childhood was basic preaching of Quran that how to recite in nearby Madarsa., he was forced to work his father, "My biggest regret is that I didn't get education, but I always dreamed that I will give education to my children, but that dream never came true because of their early death." he said with empty eyes.
His life is a shocking reminder of how poor people of Karachi daily face the hardships of life, He is not alone almost half of the population of Metropolitan city lives below the poverty line, the gap between the rich and poor is increasing day by day.
One last question I asked him, Baba ji Are you happy with your life? he said, "I am living with my wife, we have no one behind to whom we can save something or spent money for, I am only working to get our livelihood, Yes I am happy that at least I have my wife who always supported me and never leave me in Whatever condition life puts me in."
Happiness is really a state of mind?
There are so many people who are ignored by the society, who are working for their families, they are not beggars even they are not charging them heavy amount, still people use to hurt them, tease them even sometime use abusive language for them that they are charging extra, they are not making palace from this money, may be to some of the people cherry is something that is used for refreshment but to him it is a source of his food for his survival.
Please give respect to the old ones who are still working and feeding their families, those who are working in organizations get performance appraisals and incentive.
Have we ever think who will give performance appraisal to these people? We can appreciate them by sitting with them, talking with them for few minutes and try to spread smile on their said faces from our self.
Your few minutes of giving importance can become the reason of happiness and smile for a long time.

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